
Pack Overnighters

Our Pack goes camping twice a year, once in Sept/Oct and once in April/May. These events are meant for the whole family with planned activities and meals. We understand that some families are new to camping (and others will have great tips to share) and that is OK.

This year our Pack will camp at Rocky Gap State Park (Fall 2023) and Patapsco Valley State Park - Hilton Area (Spring 2024)

Locations of recent Pack Overnights for our Pack

Pack's must have at least one BALOO (Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation) trained adult at all times at overnight camping trips. Inquire with the Cubmaster if you are interested in BALOO training.

Webelos Camping

Fourth and Fifth grade Webelos/Arrow of Light Scouts have additional camping opportunities. The National Pike District of the Baltimore Area Council organizes an a Fall event called Webelos-o-Ree at Camp Saffran (Broadcreek Memorial Scout Reservation).  This event is run by National Pike District Scouts BSA troops and gives the older Cubs the chance to interact with the older Scouts while participating in activities.

Pack 371 also organizes a winter camping event in cabins with a nearby Scouts BSA troop for Arrow of Light/Webelos to get a better understanding of the Patrol method and the Scouts BSA program.

Additional Camping Opportunities

Twice a year the Baltimore Area Council organizes a "Cub Family Weekend" event at Camp Saffran (Broadcreek Memorial Scout Reservation) typically in late October and mid-May. These events are staffed by Broadcreek Scouts BSA summer camp staff and volunteers offering BB shooting, archery, slingshots, canoeing, nature hikes, campfires and more. See the Council/Broadcreek website fore additional details.

Annually in June the National Pike District organizes a weeklong Daycamp with lots of activities at the Howard County Fairgrounds. Details provided in the springtime.

Many council summer camps including Broadcreek Memorial Scout Reservation offer opportunities for sleepaway camp for all levels of cub scouting. The duration and activities offered at these camps varies depending on the age level of the Cubs. Please ask your Pack and Den Leaders for more information.